
Which content is better for your brand? Photos or Videos?

Great photographs or videos improve engagement with customers. They also endear your brand to your target audience. Long-form blogs and essays are considerably more difficult to absorb and interact with than visual material. If you just utilize text-based blog posts instead of visual material, you’re probably missing your point. Both images and videos have their […]

Which content is better for your brand? Photos or Videos? Read More »

6 Simple Ways to Improve Your Brand’s Facebook Marketing

Facebook is the largest social networking site on the planet, and it’s still expanding! Facebook has at least 2 billion monthly active users, and that number is steadily increasing. Simply put, Facebook is far too big to be overlooked. Your brand must not only be visible on this platform, but it must also present itself

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Create an Incredible Customer Experience Even Before They Purchase

And keep them as loyal customers forever. Customer support, customer journey, and client engagement are all terms used to describe the customer experience. The reality is that there are many considerations that can make or break a customer’s experience and their long-term relationship with you. Branding Focused Approach When does the customer’s journey begin? Their

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